Monday, June 21, 2021

Boat animation and fale!

 Hello viewers! Today i will be talking about 2 key things that we are doing/done.

1st Our fale parade! What you don't know what a fale means? Fale means house in Samoan. But we use it different. we use it as a tree and there are 4 different trees Rata kowhai totara and kauri, i'm in kauri. The parade will be like a march.

2nd Is my animation in our spare time we do minecraft, scratch and our boat animation. We have watched a tutorial on how to do it. My one is in the slides below

Make sure to always smile and peace!


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Writing and pepeha

 Kia ora readers!

My name is Zayd Ali and i am back with another post!

Today we practised our pepeha Mine is 

Ko Maungakiekie te maunga 

Ko whau te awa

Ko Adil toku papa

Ko Asma toku mama

Ko patel toku whaunua (Hope i spelt that right!)

Ko ZAYD ALI toku ingoa

We also did maths. It was hard work!

Finally we did writing.
My work so far is in the docs below but right now its unfinished


Monday, June 14, 2021

Blog introduction

 Hello or as we say Kia ora. 

My name is Zayd Ali.

 Last week we worked and worked and we figured out what to share and what not. We also made our blog profiles and we had lots of fun! My favourite part was when we got to take a photo which you'll see in the slides below which is my introduction! The slides below are my blog profile so have a look at my introduction slides and have a very merry good day!